Coming Soon!
Take a deeper dive into who you really are. Excavate your own, personal treasure to lead you into greater purpose, direction and joy.
Stay tuned for registration information coming soon.

Take this journey with us, to the mountains of CO where we will gather together to enjoy afternoon tea and cozy conversations about what we have found buried deep in our hearts. We will support each other in making our treaure our guiding light as we live forward with what we've discovered. We anticipate laughter, tears, love and budding friendships. Meals will be created together around conversation and community.
We will creat some Pirate Art and you will put together your own, signature "Booty Bag."
The Retreat will include a very special Pirate Dinner complete with candles, costumes and accessories.
Click here to view lodging:
We will creat some Pirate Art and you will put together your own, signature "Booty Bag."
The Retreat will include a very special Pirate Dinner complete with candles, costumes and accessories.
Click here to view lodging:
The BURIED TREASURE RETREAT will be based on the BURIED TREASURE online class that Cindy Weaver and Mary Wilson created. You can view the class below. Feel free to sign up for the class now and begin your quest for your own personal treasure. We will use this as the content for the retreat.